ACME Delivery and Orvan banners, anvil icon, e-mail graphics, and image gallery navigation graphics by Haystack Caldoon. The image of Orvan used in the banner by Kiwihunter.

2008 Calendar graphics and Delivery to HMCS Halifax image by Kristina Reynolds.

Explosive delivery image by KinkyTurtle.

404 - Not Found image by Farore Nightclaw. See Farore's FurAffinity page, DeviantArt page, and her Cafe Press page.

Photos of Orvan by Jay Maynard unless otherwise noted. Photos of Orvan at Midwest FurFest 2006 by Altivo Overo and another.

Orvan's fur, horns, and hooves by Kiwihunter.

Product photos, site design, text, and any remaining errors by Paul Neubauer.