2. Where are ACME products manufactured?
3. Does ACME have an express service?
4. Is stock traded for ACME? Is Acme a Bull or a Bear?
5. What sort of items will ACME NOT deliver??
6. Is there a surcharge for dangerous items?
7. Can ACME products be shipped to a third party?
8. Does ACME ship internationally?
9. Does ACME ship extraterrestrially?
10. What is the most unusual item ever handled by ACME Delivery?
ACME, despite being all capitals, is not an acronym. ACME is named for the word acme, which is "the highest point, as of achievement or development." ACME is written in all capitals for name recognition. That is what people see on parcels and crates and it is what is expected. ACME does not stand for "Anvil Company Marketing Everywhere" or "American Company Making Everything" or "A Company Making Everything." ACME does not make everything. At least not yet.
2. Where are ACME products manufactured?
ACME manufacturing is decentralized, which is a fancy way of saying "all over." ACME items might be made in Fort Bragg, California, or Portland, Oregon or Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, or even in a small town in the upper Midwest.
3. Does ACME have an express service?
No, and that's a good thing. Having an special express service implies that other service is something less. Rather than deal with various levels of service, ACME chooses to have one level of service and concentrate on making that the best it can be. ACME will only have the acme of delivery service.
4. Is stock traded for ACME? Is Acme a Bull or a Bear?
ACME is not a publicly traded company. This allows us to concentrate on our customers. Were we publicly traded we would have to answer to stockholders first and our customers second. For ACME to be the acme, we simply cannot afford to go public and have our standards compromised for short-sighted quarterly or even annual results.
ACME is a business, so is neither a Bull nor a Bear. At least one of our deliverypersons is a bull. You can find out more about him from the link on the side, "Meet: Orvan."
5. What sort of items will ACME NOT deliver?
ACME will deliver anything, unless there is a legal restriction preventing shipment or shipment to a particular location.
6. Is there a surcharge for dangerous items?
No, because ACME does not deal in dangerous items. Some ACME products, however, can pose a danger if they are used in an inappropriate manner or without observing proper safety precautions. It cannot be stressed enough that one should always read the instructions or directions fully. There is much truth in the saying that, "There are no dangerous items, only dangerous people."
7. Can ACME products be shipped to a third party??
Yes! Not only will ACME ship ACME products to a third party, we will even take items you supply and deliver them in ACME branded packaging for you.
8. Does ACME ship internationally?
Yes, although export restrictions must be taken into consideration.
9. Does ACME ship extraterrestrially?
Yes, but it is quite expensive. Also, this is one situation where ACME suggests you get insurance from an outside source due to the inherent risks of extraterrestrial travel. Delivery times will be significantly longer than for terrestrial deliveries.
10. What is the most unusual item ever handled by ACME Delivery?
While all the things ever made or delivered by ACME covers quite a range, perhaps the most unusual was the Portable Hole. This might sound like it wouldn't have been a big deal, but the problem with a portable hole is that it can slide and seem to fall out of itself and thus escape its container. Containing a portable hole long enough for it to be delivered proved more interesting than anyone had expected. This was one of many reasons that the Portable Hole is one of the few ACME products that have been discontinued.